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Sheep are natures lawn mowers. They love to eat the grass, weeds and plants that grow as a cover crop between the vines. The sheep act as lawn mowers, weed eaters, do some pruning, and provide much needed fertility, which means fewer passes of a tractor through the vineyard.  As an added bonus, the stimulation of sheep's hooves in the dirt helps build microflora in the soil which promotes eco-diversity and healthier vineyard. 

In an effort to continually improve our sustainable vineyard practices, we partner with Kaos Sheep Outfit to bring these happy munchers into our vineyard. Our first experience was the spring of 2022, and we were not dissapointed! Not only did they happily do the job they were hired to do, they are so darn cute and fun to watch. 


Sheep in the Vineyards
Sheep in the Vineyards

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